

The Asset Management Company established the “Sustainability Policy” in April 2016, under the recognition that promotion of sustainability is the important topic in its asset management business. Our CEO, who is also the most senior decision maker on sustainability issues made a statement that the organization will commit to the sustainability issues especially the material issues identified above.

Process for Identifying Material Topics

We identified our material topics through discussion at the Office of the Asset Management Company. The topics identified were approved by the Investment Committee, which is the highest-level decision maker of the Asset Management Company.


We gathered information to identify the issues that NAF might have a significant impact on sustainable growth of the environment, society and economy, by referring to the following:

  • Mitsui Fudosan Group's long-term vision, “VISION 2025”
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Global Reporting Initiative Index
  • External ESG evaluation such as GRESB real estate assessment and MSCI ESG rating
  • Interim summary issued by ESG real estate investment investigate committee, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan


We assessed and prioritized each issue by using 2 axes of impacts: on our investment policy and on our stakeholders, environment and society. Then, we identified material topics that NAF should strategically allocate its resources.


The material topics were discussed and approved at the Investment Committee, which includes the President & CEO of the Asset Management Company who is a member of the Committee and the highest-level decision maker of the Asset Management Company.


The material topics have been communicated to all employees in the Asset Management Company as well as board members in the investment committee. The topics are subject to periodical review and update to reflect changes in society and environment.


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Materiality and status of initiatives Applicable SDGs
Environment Promote Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions Reduction (Act against Climate Change)
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Why this topic is material
  • We recognize that greenhouse gas (including CO2) emissions from the real estate assets of our investment corporation have a significant impact on the environment.
  • We understand the importance of learning the impact of physical and transitional risks of climate change on our asset to pursue sustainable growth of our investment corporation.
  • We support the international goals set forth by the Paris Agreement, and continuously promote initiatives for realizing net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in order to contribute to mitigating climate change.
How the organization manages the topic
  • We monitor and manage energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the common areas of our residential assets by setting reduction target.
  • We install equipment for energy efficiency, such as LED lighting.
  • We pursue further understanding and managing physical and transitional risks of climate change.

【Environmental Targets】
  • Energy-oriented CO2 emissions (based on intensity): With actual consumption of 2015 as the base, 50% decrease in amount used
  • Water consumption (based on intensity): With actual consumption of 2015 as the base, no increase in amount used
  • Green Building certified percentage(based on total floor space): 40%
Acquire External Certification and Assessment on Sustainability
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Why this topic is material
  • We recognize promoting green building in our property would have certain impact to environment and it is one of a major concerns of our stakeholders that whether we make commitment to.
  • By participating external ESG assessment such as GRESB and referring to ESG ratings such as MSCI ESG Ratings, we are able to assess our initiatives and improve our sustainability-related activities.
How the organization manages the topic
  • We proactively acquire and update external green building certifications such as DBJ Green Building Certification.
  • We have been participating GRESB real estate assessment since 2017.
  • Using GRESB assessment, we review sustainability initiatives and plan actions for improvement each year.
Build Partnership with Property Companies and Operators
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Why this topic is material We consider that cooperating with property management companies and operators that manage our asset is essential to promote our sustainability initiatives.
How the organization manages the topic
  • We engage property management companies and operators to share our ESG policy and goals.
  • We assess and monitor sustainability initiatives conducted by property management companies and operators.
  • We share energy consumption and CO2 emissions data from the common area of the building with property management companies to discuss the increases/decreases and work on improvement measures together.

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Materiality and status of initiatives Applicable SDGs
Society Develop Human Capital and Raise Sustainability Awareness among our Employees
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Why this topic is material We understand that providing a working environment, in which employees of the Asset Management Company can maximize their capability, contributes to improving their productivity and attracting new talents. This will eventually benefit the investment corporation.
How the organization manages the topic We provide the following programs and benefits to our employees in the Asset Management Company.
  • Career-building support for employees by implementing regular interviews to help them set their career goals and objectives
  • Performance evaluation program which includes their commitment to sustainability initiatives
  • Regular training on compliance and sustainability
  • Financial and non-financial support for the acquisition of certifications/qualifications and the participation in external training programs.
  • Monetary support for annual health checkups, thorough medical checkups and vaccinations.
  • Regular employee’s satisfaction surveys to improve their working environment.
  • Introduction of Cumulative Investment Unit Investment Program
Enhance Tenant Satisfaction, Safety and Comfort
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Why this topic is material We recognize that our asset, residential or accommodation facilities, have a substantial impact on safety and comfort of our tenant. Therefore, it is highly important to maintain and improve them.
How the organization manages the topic
  • We offer a high-quality rental apartment series, the Park Axis, which assures the tenants’ safety and comfort.
  • We upgrade common / tenant-owned area of the properties to increase our tenants’ safety and comfort.
  • We provide our tenants with holistic services such as house cleaning, through an exclusive membership program, “Mitsui Sumai Loop” to enhance tenants’ satisfaction.
  • We perform continuous tenant satisfaction survey.
Contribute to Community Development
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Why this topic is material We consider that developing local community will have an impact on maintaining and increasing competitiveness of our properties.
How the organization manages the topic
  • At the Okawabata Apartment Communities, NAF has proactively cooperated in activities of the management association and strives to contribute to formation of a local community.
  • We provide a space for regional bicycle sharing and encourage community residents to use at the Okawabata Apartment Communities.
Utilization of Regional Revitalization Support Tax System (Corporate Version Hometown Tax Donation) by the Asset Management Company
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Why this topic is material We believe that we can contribute to environmental and social activities promoted by local governments by making donations through the regional revitalization support tax system (corporate version hometown tax donation).
How the organization manages the topic
  • Onna Village, Okinawa Prefecture
    (The "Coral Village Declaration" SDGs project to protect the clean sea of Onna Village)
  • Miyaki Town, Saga Prefecture
    (Creating a vibrant community through women's soccer)

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Materiality and status of initiatives Applicable SDGs
Governance Ensure Fairness and Transparency of Corporate Governance
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Why this topic is material We understand that complying with laws and regulations and having organization process that embraces fair transactions will have a significant impact on trust and confidence from stakeholders.
How the organization manages the topic The asset management company of NAF has established the following governance structure.
  • We have a code of conduct on compliance. Following the code, we develop an action plan and implement the plan in our daily operation.
  • We have Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) who is in charge of assuring internal audit.
  • We have an established standard procedure in transaction with our stakeholders to prevent a conflict of interest.
  • We perform an internal audit on a regular basis.