ESG-related Information Disclosure Policy and Reporting Framework


ESG Report

NAF issues the ESG Report once a year for the purpose of facilitating more extensive understanding of its ESG initiatives.

Click here to see past reports.

Information Disclosure Policy

NAF and the Asset Management Company endeavor to disclose information on the status of their sustainability initiatives to their investors and other stakeholders.

Scope of Report, Period Covered by the Report, Updates

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Scope of Report Nippon Accommodations Fund Inc. and Mitsui Fudosan Accommodations Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Period Covered by the Report Nippon Accommodations Fund Inc.

From March 1 to the end of February of the following year
(The report may also contain information for other fiscal years.)

Mitsui Fudosan Accommodations Fund Management Co., Ltd.

From April 1 to the end of March of the following year
(The report may also contain information for other fiscal years.)

Updates Updated in May every year, in principle

Reference Guidelines

NAF will make reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in releasing a variety of information regarding sustainability.

Contact regarding ESG

Please contact the following for inquiries regarding ESG

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Contact: Mitsui Fudosan Accommodations Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-3246-3677
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 9.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
(Excluding public holidays and days designated by the Asset Management Company)